The Area of Freedom.


At the 6. day of creation God made the human being as man and woman.   The human being is man and woman, and God gave him the order to subdue the earth.


But already at the 3. day Adam has been created.   Adam has been present, when God molded the paradise.   He showed him everything and gave him later on the order to continue with this.

The creation was not finished.   Adam was supposed to go on with molding the creation after his own imaginations, he got the title as to say the "world-designer", - a proper mandate for the man of God.

The creator of heaven and earth wanted to see how his creation would mold paradise further on.


For this Adam had great liberties, and God wanted to see, what Adam would do, what he would do differently, perhaps.


However, with the Fall of Man the whole creative power has been assigned to Lucifer.   He is even able to modify the heart of men with envy, greed and aggression.   Cain slays Abel.   Adam and Eve are loosing their both sons.

                                                                                  * * * * *

Was this really Lucifer?   Could he really gain the title of Adam?   Nothing is written in the text.   But we know, that Lucifer had great competencies at the Tower of Babel to guide mankind and we know, that mankind approaches to bad times.

Also: Lucifer has great power - but there is no treaty between God and Lucifer, which could have attributed this to him.

And so:   Lucifer could have gained this power, because he mislead Adam and Eve as the Snake, to eat from the Tree of Knowledge.

So it must have happened.


But there is an eminent difference between in the acting of Adam and the acting of Lucifer:

God is able to foresee the acting of Lucifer, but not the acting of Adam.


Now, what is the matter?

Lucifer wants to be god.   For this he needs angels for a government, angels like himself, and a mankind, who he can reign then, for whom he could be god.


But God wants to spare mankind from this fate.   After the Tower of Babel He said:

"Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language;   and this they begin to do:   and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do." (1.Mose, 11,6 )


The difference in the acting of Adam and Lucifer is its possibility to be foreseen.   Adam lives in an Area of Freedom.   God does not know, what he is going to do.   This is very different with Lucifer.


Acting in compulsion is rather obvious in the Book of Revelation.

The book with the 7 seals shows us, that the 7 years of Apocalypse have been written backwards.

The book is a roll.

First there has been written the contents of the 7. seal and then the roll has been sealed. The roll has been closed.

Then the contents of the 6. seal. Again the roll has been closed with a seal, the 6. seal.

And so on, until finally the last seal closes the book.

This, of course, is the 1. seal, when the book is opened.


The history of the Apocalypse develops like a clockwork.   God is able to foresee all these events.


Novels, written by men, have similar structures, e.g. "Pride and Prejudice" by Jane Austen.

The persons act under the compulsions of pride and prejudice.   Then, finally, they become free of them, and in this new freedom they can make their decisions.


                                                                                    * * * * *

So, this is, what we want to know now:   - What kind of freedom is this?


To spare the fate of mankind, which God sees in the operations of Lucifer, He divides mankind into many nations, so that He takes angels of Lucifer's followers and makes them gods of these nations.

They are responsible now for the management of the government and their cultural identity, also their language, which then leads to the confusion of languages.


Later, then, God calls these angels to a meeting to express His concern about their government. (Psalm 82 )


A Psalm of Asaph.

1 God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.

2 How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.

3 Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.

4 Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.

5 They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the

foundations of the earth are out of course.

6 I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

7 But ye shall die like men, and fall like one of the princes.

8 Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.


There are two points of critic on the angels:

1. They are unjust and would prefer the ungodly.

2. They leave their people in the dark.


Point 1 shows us, that the angles know quite well, which behavior is pleasing to God and which is not.

Point 2 says, that the angels do not tell their people about the order of God. They leave their people in darkness.


So, everything is in the sense of Lucifer.   Rewarded will be wicked behavior.   This is, what people learn.

How far they violate the order of God they are told only by their conscience.   But mislead by envy, greed and aggression they become guilty and are not acceptable before God.


But this is just what Lucifer wants, to attain a people.


But now mankind is divided in many nations and so it could be, that an angel changes the sides.   An angel Lucifer's could become an angel of God and the nation could be saved in this way.


So it has been already.   In one nation the light began to shine.   This was in Egypt in the times of Joseph.

In those days even Pharaoh has been blessed by Jacob.


However this angel has been replaced then and Israel fell on hard times.


Another example is Median.   The father of law of Moses was a priest of God.


And God himself becomes the God of a nation.   He gives them the Ten Commandments and an order to meet Him in the tabernacle, the tent of meeting.


God gives Israel the Ten Commandments and a certain order so that they can get to know him.

And when they know him then, they could react on His love offering.   God is the God of love.

He has created men, and has given them the freedom, to respond to His love or not.   He has not created men, that they have to love Him.


God has given men this "Area of Freedom" and He does not know, how they will answer on His offers.

In this Area of Freedom, when people live in his order, they are free to act, and He does not know in advance, what they are going to do.

But His concept is thus, that people are further participated in the development of His creation.


This is so, like it has been with Adam.   Adam has had great competencies.   Those we do not have anymore, because Lucifer could obtain them, but we are able to do many things if we ask God for them.

And He does not know, about what we ask Him.


This Area of Freedom is not the same area, which Adam had in paradise, but also this Area of Freedom, mediated by Moses, is going to be changed:   This Aaron Priesthood will be finished and Jesus will become the High Priest of a new community.

You can read about this in the "Letter to the Hebrew".


About this Area of Freedom Luther speaks, when he speaks of the "Freedom of a Man of Christ".


In this Area of Freedom we are challenged, to prepare for the end of the heathen nations.

This is a further mission to complete God's creation.


We are participated in the end of the heathen nations, if we are concerned in the number of the first fruits of Israel, the Messianic Jews.


We are required, to prepare for the end time events, so we are not taken by them in surprise, so our believe in Jesus is not endangered.

Especially in America, in the Bible Belt, God expects the activation of the community of "Philadelphia".


Why don't we do this in Germany?   John Mulinde tried this.


He had the vision from the resurrection of Germany.   After his missionary work in Britain he came to Germany with 13 teams, spread out over the country, to continue his work here.

One team came to Dossenheim, near Heidelberg.   These were African people from Uganda, replete with the power of the Holy Spirit, also the sister of John Mulinde was present.

But there was a great resistance. The community of Dossenheim welcomed the team cordially, but in the spiritual realm the resistance was great.

The message from Uganda could not spread out in Heidelberg, which was the final aim.

Nowhere in Germany one of these teams were successful.


But in spite of this there is John Mulinde's vision of the salvation of Germany. But why could not we do this in Germany?   Answer:   God did not plan this way.

Only after the resurrection of Britain a flow of power of the Spirit comes to the continent and finally also to Germany.


But this flow of power will be created in the Bible Belt.   This way is planned by God, as we get to know by Wendy Alec.   There is the beginning of the Philadelphia Community and spreads out over the whole earth.


Then the Area of Freedom gets its final shape, when the communities start, to care for the Jews and begin, to withdraw from Mystery Babylon.


                                                                                * * * * *

But how will this Area of Freedom come alive?   On our own we could not conceive it.

God did show Hildegard von Bingen, that 7 spiritual sources open up this Area of Freedom.


1.   Man is shown, in which chaos he is living and where salvation could be found.

2.   While searching the savior we should not forget, that we have to care for our

       normal needs.

3.   If we have found out, that we are only made of clay, then we are able to create


4.   So we can meet our neighbor in love. We are able to have community.

5.   The significance of this community before God lets us know, that the important

       things of this world are only of second rate.

6.   Now we follow in obedience to resist injustice.

7.   Now we follow in obedience to care for people in misery.


Seven spirits of God are guiding us, to become alike Jesus.   Paul said, that he made great efforts. 

But he were still far off from perfection.


And so we witness the Area of Freedom:

God gives His order to the people.   People, who live after this order, get to know Him then.   They can see then, that God is the God of love.   But people are not created in a way, that they have to love Him.

They don't have to respond to His love.   And God does not know, how people are going to decide: For Him or against Him?


And then:

God gives mankind the mission, to develop His creation further on.   And God doesn't know again, what they are going to do.


But without a certain mission they are not able to act.

To be able to act for Him, they need the stream of power.   But they don't have to operate for Him.


Lucifer now has attained the stream of power, to form the world.   But he does not live in the Area of Freedom.   And therefore Lucifer's acting is not in the freedom of God, but under the compulsion of his aim:   He wants to be like God, he needs a government and he needs a people.


God can foresee the results of his efforts. God wants to spare this fate for mankind.


There are the various possibilities to live with God or not:

1.   People live in the Area of Freedom and are the followers of Jesus.

      They will not come into the Last Judgment.

2.   People live in the Area of Freedom, but strive for their own destinations.

3.   Many have left this Area of Freedom and live their own life now.

4.   Many do not know anything about an Area of Freedom, the many from the


5.   Then there are those, who have a contract with Lucifer. They, too, will not

      come into the Last Judgment.


                                                                              * * * * *

Let's have a view in the future.

Hildegard von Bingen writes:   In spite of all attacks:   "In the end the church will be found more stronger and more beautiful."   ( 3.Book, 11.Vision )


Hildegard von Bingen lived 900 years ago.


Now let's look into the past.

Later in this vision she writes, God sent Jesus exactly in this moment, when the time has been fulfilled.


If Jesus would have come earlier or later, Israel would not be able to recognize the Messiah at all.

We know, that Israel ever again turned to the gods of their neighbors.   When they found themselves in misery they returned to their God.   This happened quite often, and so God established the right to hospitality at the neighbors.


Now there was no reason any more, to look for orientation at other gods.


As we know from the Pharisees they have God's order enlarged under the motto:   "We are going to build a fence around the Torah".

They added to the Torah 248 commandments and 356 interdictions.


They wanted to be sure to please God.   And then, however, they expected, that the coming Messiah would be the ruler of the world, and would free them from the dominance of the Romans.


The Pharisees could not recognize in Jesus the Son of God.   Also the pupils of Jesus had difficulties. They also thought, that Jesus would free them from the Romans.


They hoped to get a sign.   But Jesus said: I give you only the sign of Jonah.   Three days in the realm of death.


Of course, there were some Pharisees, who knew, that with raising the number of the prescriptions you cannot please God.

Nikodemus was one of them. In nighttime he came to Jesus to talk with Him, secretly.


But the atmosphere in the Knesset was already against Jesus:   They didn't want such a king.


                                                                                    * * * * *

Let's turn to the church now:   Hildegard von Bingen writes:   "At the end of times it will be found stronger and more beautiful."


Now we know, God does not see the future, when we act in the Area of Freedom.

So:   How do we understand this passage?   It is to understand as a mission.   It is a mission for our time.   Now.

And which are the criteria in our time to serve God?


There are the two full numbers.


The full number of the Messianic Jews, the First Fruits, define the end of the heathen nations.

( Rom 11,12 )


The 2. full number is the full number of the Christians from the nations. ( Rom 11,25 )

This number causes Lucifer's banishment out of heaven, he looses his ministry as an attorney, he will be thrown down to the earth and then in his wrath he attacks the unredeemed Israel.


But Israel will be saved by Maria, the mother of Israel, into the desert.   There they have been already with Moses, but now, under the guidance of their mother, they understand instantly, what was wrong in those days.   And they are horrified!

( Sach 12,10 )

"And I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the spirit of grace and of supplications:   and they shall look upon me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn."


Then Jesus returns to the earth. This is the begin of the Millennium.


But of great importance is the full number of the First Fruits.


If the community is not prepared for the end of Mystery Babylon and - how Wendy Alec writes - many Christians will lose their belief, then also many of the First Fruits.

That means:   The difference to the Full Number will grow.   This is the actual drama, if we do not follow the expectations of God.


The end of mankind would be delayed again - for how many years?


Mystery Babylon in the USA will be destroyed by law, but also Europe will be destroyed, the chaos comes over us, the confidence in Jesus will vanish nearly totally, most of us will loose the Area of Freedom and will live in a world under compulsion.


But God did prepare everything. The community has the mandate to care about the Jews, it has the mandate and the authority by the Spirit of God, to withdraw from Mystery Babylon.


                                                                                 * * * * *



The Messianic Jews are engaged with an actual theme:

"The restoration of Israel:   A complex process in the end time.   Christians should closely observe the world process - and pray." ( Andrew Tucker )


This is now our theme:   Here we can see, that the Jewish Christians have a certain kind of view, which is lacking to us.

We did already discern the two voices:   The voice of Elijah and the voice of Moses.

The voice of Elijah announces Jesus, the voice of Moses tells us about things, we have to avoid in the discipleship of Jesus, what is a threatening to us.


Here we can see, that the Messianic Jews have a great interest in the voice of Moses, and they have to - in their situation - surrounded by enemies.


But we ignore this voice.

In the discipleship of Jesus we just wait for the day, when Jesus comes again.


The Jews say:  " Christians should watch the world process most carefully and pray."

This is one of their demands also for us.


And this world process God has explained us through his prophets in our time.   Let's think of Duduman Dumitru and Wendy Alec e.g. .


And also the Bible tells us about our time, because Jesus has not been accepted in those days, and therefore the 70. week has been moved into our time.


                                                                              * * * * *

Let's read again about the 70. week in Dan 9.


The angel Gabriel told Daniel:   70 yearweeks are arranged to complete Israel.

The last of the 70 weeks would have been then in the years 39 to 45 A.D..

Now let us read verse 27.

a.) And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:

b.) and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease,

c.) and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the

     consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.


To this text we add the Revelation of John.   In the middle of the Apocalypse Satan will be banned from heaven and thrown onto the earth.   In his wrath he persecutes Israel.   But Israel will be saved into the desert by Mary.


So: Point c of verse 27 is not part of the 70. week. In the 70. week Israel will be completed!


Point b relates to the 70. yearweek. "Sacrifice and oblation" are ending then.

But which sacrifices are these, when after the crucifixion of Jesus no sacrifices have been offered?


In 1. Peter 2.5 we can read:

Ye also, as lively stones, are built up a spiritual house, an holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices, acceptable to God by Jesus Christ.


Also Rom 12,1:

I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.


Then: In the middle of the 70. week these offerings cease.   The community of Christ has been completed.


Point a, then, relates to Jesus:   He makes a covenant with the "Many" for one week.   This is the whole 70. yearweek.


The "Many" are the believing Jews and those people from the nations.   The believing Jews are their full number, the 144000.


For these 7 years there is peace in Israel, and peace in the nations, because their gods are banned into the abyss.   But only fore those 7 years.   Then the time of Apocalypse begins.


                                                                           * * * * *

When Jesus in his time would have been accepted as the king of Israel, then in those days the history of mankind would have come to an end.


But when now, in our time, the full number of the Jews will be reached, then we could witness the end of the heathen nations and the completion of Israel:


There is peace in the world,

all Jews will come home.

All nations help Israel to reconstruct the country,

the Palestine will be welcomed as a 13. tribe.

The community of Christ has been completed

and is prepared for the rapture.


If this would happen, the people of God would have fulfilled His will for the first time.

But until now?


1.)   Adam should design the paradise.   But: The Fall of Man.

2.)   Israel should accept the Messiah.   But: Blindness.

3.)   We now should care for the full number of the First Fruits.   And now?


That is the question.   God wants to bring the history of the heathen nations to an end.   This is His mission for us.   We live in His Area of Freedom and now we could perform this act of creation. Everything is prepared by Him.


                                                                                * * * * *

We, the voice from Frohna, are thankful to disclose all this. We are glad and full of hope, that the community of Christ will agree to this mission.


                                                                                                                               Frohna, Nov 14, 2019.

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