The Man of Modern and the Stream of the Spirit.




There are two different concepts:

“The Man of Modern” and the “Stream of the Spirit“.

We have a certain imagination, what the “Man of Modern” might be.   But the “Stream of the Spirit”? What could this be?


We can see, that we enter an unknown territory.   And we will see soon, that we are on biblical territory.

And, of course, we are not interested in any special idea, we rely only on the Word of God.


So, what does the Bible say about the “Stream of the Spirit”?


In Job 33,4 we can read:  “The Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.”

Then: 34, 14+15 : “… If He should gather to Himself His Spirit and His Breath all flesh would perish together, and men would return to dust”.


Here, in Job, we can already see something:  “The Spirit of God has made me.”

The “Spirit of God” is a personality.  The Spirit of God is not the “Stream of the Spirit”, but certainly the initiator.   

And in addition there is the Breath of the Almighty.


So, when a plankton in the Pacific in 2000 m depth can live its life, only then, because the “Breath of the Almighty” keeps it alive.

But this life has been created before by the Spirit of God.


Here we want to add a third source of the stream:  Jesus says, after his gown has been touched by a sick woman: “Oh, a stream of power has left me!   Who has touched me?”

The disciples: “Oh, Rabbi, in this crowd?”


We know, that a woman has been healed.   So, what has happened?

By this stream of power the organism of this woman has been reconstructed, by the Spirit of God the woman has been healed and God wanted it.   Jesus does only the will of the Father.

And here He did not know, what His Father planned to give this woman.


The Plankton in the Pacific is wanted by God, constructed by Jesus, and made by the Holy Spirit.


So, this is the stream of the Spirit.   But how is its application, if we speak about the “Man of Modern”?


We still have to get there.


In Job, in the first chapter, we can learn something more:   There is an arrangement between God and Lucifer, to try Job with disaster and sickness.


At at the end of the book of Job we can see, that God has reestablished the honor of Job, and we can see also, that the friends of Job should be saved, too.


But what we can see here in the book of Job, is, that we may look "behind the scenes".   And so the reader of the book is relieved to suffer the fate of Job.

But Job does not understand what happens. He doesn't understand the world any more.   If he could, he would bring his case to justice.


And this is our aim here:  We want to look "behind the scenes", we want to know, what happens with us nowadays, with the "Man of Modern".


                                                                              * * * * *

We are going on with our searching and ask ourselves:  "How, then, could Lucifer gain his title "Satan", how could it be, that Lucifer became the accuser before God?"


There is no treaty between God and Lucifer, which could have assigned Lucifer this title.


Let's go back in history and let us look for the source.   Adam in Paradise has gotten this assignment: "Be fruitful and multiply;   fill the earth and subdue it;   have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth."

To do this, God did provide Adam with certain abilities.

These were huge abilities, if we consider that the scientists nowadays want to understand the world and want to organize it.

In the moment they are afraid, that - unintentional - the climate is changing.


So Adam received the title "world changer" and with this title he has gotten a "Stream of the Spirit", to model the paradise.

It is obvious that God wanted to see, how Adam would model the paradise after his own perception.


Because of the Fall of Man the title "World Changer" came into false hands.   Now Lucifer commands it, and Adam and Eve have to realize, how the circumstances of their life have been corrupted, and how their souls are filled with envy, greed and aggression.


They have to suffer the loss of their both sons: Cane slays Abel.


Now men are easily seducible and are easily fascinated by Lucifer, who guides them with the

"Stream of the Spirit".


1650 years later happens the Global Flood and only the family Noah survives - with those animals in the Arc.

Because Noah has been guided by the Spirit of God.


But also the descendants of Noah like to be guided by Lucifer and so they built the

Tower of Babel.


God sees that nothing is impossible to men and He undertakes the following arrangements:

God disempowers Lucifer and distributes the Stream of the Spirit - because of legal reasons -

among the followers of Lucifer and not among His own angels.

There are many other angels, who have tuned away from God.


So, the central power of Lucifer has been distributed among his entourage, and so mankind has been divided into many nations, each guided by an angel of Lucifer.


In Psalm 82 we can read, that the nations are guided by those angels.   They are now their deities.

But God is not content with their service:   They are unjust, they would not care fore the suffering people and they would keep their people in "darkness", they would not enlighten their situation in respect of the legislation of God, in respect of their reason of existence.


Those angels design the language of a nation, their cultural identity, and organize the administration of the political system with a relatively great state apparatus managed by subordinate angels.

An angel is now the deity of a nation.


In the Bible we read of the "confusion of tongues".


The whole power has been taken from Lucifer.   But he has kept something:   this is the stream of power of  "Accusation".  This is his remaining title: "Satan", the accuser.


So the stream of power has been distributed among his entourage.


But:   These angels, the deities of the nations, did not get all.   This is the "Malice" of Lucifer.

The malice of Lucifer has been given to an angel called the "false Prophet".   We can read about him in the Revelation of John. ( Chapter 13 and 19 )


If we have recognized his nature then we can see, that he has practiced his nuisance from the beginning.   But this is not our theme here.


But this is of interest:   The angels of Lucifer, the deities of the nations, are not malicious.   It is their task to care for the language, cultural identity and the state apparatus.   This is their design.   This is their office.   And this is binding.


They are unjust to their people, they let them in uncertainty about the aim of their life - but they are not malicious.


But what they are able to do, they can engage the false Prophet of malice.   And we, too.   Luther says: "The evil wants to settle down.   We can admit this.   But we don't have to."


The deities of the nations, the angels in the entourage of Lucifer, may have a friendly, political system.

There are angels, who deny the following of Lucifer.   An angel of Lucifer becomes an angel of God.

He changes the sides.   Ok, but this is not so often.


What means "Malice"?

The malice has two components:   The lie and the violence.   There are two versions of malice:   The lie has to be accepted under the thread of violence.   Or: Violence has to be accepted by a lie.


An example:   A student in Biology says in the seminary:  "The animals have been created by God!"   A laughter in the audience follows.   The professor is shocked.   This student will never get his exam here.   For sure not.


A lie is not a common untruth.   Lie here is always an attack on the word of God.   Always.

Violence is not necessarily physical violence.   Violence can be caused by authorities.

Also money can generate pressure.


Now we did examine the stream of the spirit, which Adam has received in Paradise and its segmentation among the deities of the nations - after the guidelines of the Bible.


And we know, that we men are guided by a spirit.   Our language, our culture, our system of government is constituted by angels, even success or failure of single persons is often given by a deity.


Also if we speak about Jews or Christians, it is the same mechanism of spirit.   Of course, a Jew or a Christian is guided by a spirit.   But this is not anymore the spirit of such a deity, but it is the spirit of the Holy Spirit, who guides these men, by whom these men want to be guided.


So we get to the theme, that God himself assumes the leadership of a nation.

And when God criticizes the deities in Psalm 82, then His leadership of the nation Israel will be different:   He will not be unjust to His people and He will not leave them in the dark about their status to the law.


He enacts the law of love to the people of His nation, and He gives them knowledge of their history and their relation to the legal status, because He gives them His Commandments.


Of course, the strategy of the deities was, that men with their malformed soul by envy, greed and aggression would sin against the law of God. Then they would be accused by Satan, but they would not know anything about this!

So they would get lost to God, because His holiness would not accept any sin.


So they would get into the empire of Lucifer, they would become his people, and he then would be there god – just at the Tower of Babel – but then finally, until self-destruction.

( The destruction of the self.)


The bible speaks here about the “Second Death”.   People, who suffer the second death, they go with Satan into the “Lake of Fire”.


But God sends the Messiah to save those Many.

The Salvation of the Messiah consists of this, that we totally trust in Him.   He cleans our souls from every sin, so that we become saints.   By the Holy Spirit then we let us enqueue in the communion of the believer: 

Into the body – and Jesus is the Head,

into the nation – and Jesus is the King,

into the temple – and Jesus is the High-Priest,

into the bride – and Jesus is the Bridegroom.


This would be the “small way”.


But most people go the “wide way”.   This is hell.   This is a severe way.

And when in the Last Judgment it has been stated, that we have corrected our sins, that we have corrected our sins from our life on earth, then we will be accepted in heaven.

But also here, when we are free of sin, we have to ask Jesus the Messiah:   In Hell we may have corrected our sins. But our souls are still burden with envy, greed and aggression.   So we ask Jesus to clean us.


But if we could not clean our life on earth, then we die the 2nd death and we belong to Lucifer in the Lake of Fire.


This problem concerns sometimes a whole nation.   And in this case God is very exact:   If a nation dies too early, then it could say: “God, we still could have changed, there lived so many righteous people among us”.

If a nation dies too late, then it could say: “God, why let You die us so late.   Now we can hardly correct our life in hell and many of us have to go to Satan into the Lake of fire”.


On his way to Sodom God speaks with Abraham about this theme.  “How many righteous are still living in this town?” Probably not any.


Lot, Abraham’s nephew, has to withdraw in time from this city, so he would not perish with it.


And this is also our current problem:  “You Christians, leave Mystery Babylon, don’t have any part in her, because her end comes soon.”    (Rev. 18,4)


Now, who is this Mystery Babylon and what has she to do with the Man of Modern?


                                                                              * * * * *

So, God overtakes the leadership of a nation. In 2. Moses 32 ( Exodus ) we read about the “Dance around the Golden Calf”.


The relationship of God to His people becomes extremely critical:   God doesn’t want to lead His people any more.   Ok, He has promised Abraham and Isaac and Jacob to lead the nation to Canaan but this could do also an angel.   He, himself, definitely not.


But then we read, that Moses is able to calm God down, so that He continues the leadership of Israel.


But also in the next centuries there are more critical moments.   And then it is clear: God gives His nation Israel into the bondage of another nation.

And He doesn’t take it back any more.


And He implements a Right to Hospitality, because Israel shall stay Israel and shall not assimilate an other culture.

And this means: Israel has to respect the laws of the host, but must not pray to the deity of the nation and must not adopt their lifestyle.

Israel shall stay Israel.


As guests they will be provided by the local deity like all people of this nation. But also in this status they are expected to be led by the Spirit of God, and not by the spirit of this country.


 But there is a complication to expect: What now, when the guests are not led by there Spirit any more, when they just do what they want to?


Now we touch a great problem of the End-Time.

It’s solution will be just mentioned a little, when guests in great numbers invent new laws in their countries.


In this case God offers a solution to the angels:   In the end-time those guests shall be annihilated.

About this we hear later.


Now so much:   This agreement has a legal basis.   In the allegory of Satan, in the picture of the dragon with its seven heads, there are also ten horns.   These horns are the leaders of ten nations, who will destroy those guests.


Also, in the allegory of the coming “Hosts of Israel”, - this is the animal with the seven heads – those horns are to be seen.


God has planned, which nations will be the “Hosts of Israel” , because He Himself and none of His angels shall at any time overtake the leadership of Israel.

Israel will keep the guest status until the end of the pagan nations.


But then, God will become the God of Israel once more, and the temple will be rebuild once more.


To continue here we should understand the pictures in the Book of Daniel and in the Revelation of John.   A precise interpretation we can find in here ( in the deFrohna-Text ) among the theme “God’s Time”.




The Animal from the Sea of nations is to understand as a dynasty whose deities have authority from 600 AC until our time.

But there are some specialties:   Actually one deity has the authority over a nation.    But in Greece four gods have authority.

Those gods form a wholeness:  Like in a colored picture, if four colors are printed one upon the other, so here are four deities in action:    They form a fourfold.


And so this is the result, that the Greece are able to say: “The whole is more than the sum of its elements.”

Language and cultural identity are mediated to them not by a single deity, but by a fourfold of deities.   This has made them famous in world history.


After Alexander the Great the domain falls apart into those four regions (Diadochen ):    Two regions have no part in Israel.    But Egypt and Great Babylon ( Syria) have a great influence on Israel.

They are the heads 4 and 5.    In Daniel we read about the King of the South and the King of the North in chapter 11.


The 6th head is Rome.   The deity is Jupiter.   The 7th head begins his rulership in the year 1453, with the end of the Roman Empire.


This is the begin of the Renaissance.    The rebirth of the antique world.

Yet also 1453 years before a new religious orientation in the Roman Empire has begun.    The Christians.     They are no Jews, but they are of Jewish believe and have the right of residence in Zion, as the 87th Psalm says.


And although these people are members of a nation since their birth, they have become guests in their own country.    They will not anymore pray to their deity, but are guided by the Holy Spirit.    And the number of those people increases, who are accepting this believe.    In the year 320 Christianity becomes the official religion.   That means: The cultural identity of a country becomes Christian.


But now begins the great drama in Christianity:   There is a communion of believers, which is guided by the Holy Spirit, and there is a Christian order of daily life, which is originated by Jupiter, the deity of Rome.

And now we can imagine, that difficulties are programmed.   Let us think of the crusaders of the Holy Land:   Did they come under the guidance if the Holy Spirit to Jerusalem to pray at the grave of Jesus?   For sure, not.


But in our understanding we live in the Christian Occident, if now Renaissance begins.


Now begins the rulership of the 7th Head.   Also here we refer to the title “God’s Time”, where the character of this rulership is described.   The nations of this animal are the “hosts of Israel”.


The basics of this head are, that it has rulership over many nations, where Jews are guests.   Now they are spread over Europe.


Christians have the same status as guests like the Jews.   And if in our days Christians have spread over the whole earth, then the dominion of the 7th head, too.


But who is the 7th Head?   This is not a single deity, not a single angel.

At the time of the Old Greek there were four angels, who formed a fourfold.   Four elements form a wholeness.

The 7th Head is still more complicate.   Here we have a cyclic fourfold.   Four elements form a wholeness.


Now we refer to the “rebirth of the antique world”.

The 1st element is the dominion of Babylon.

The 2nd element id the dominion of Persia.

The 3rd element is the dominion of the old Greek: a fourfold.

The 4th element is the dominion of Rome.


The character of this cyclic manifold is of course the repetition.   The elements 1 to 4 are in permanent repetition, like a motor.

The 3rd element of this cyclic fourfold is also a fourfold.   So we call this wholeness a

“4 in 4 manifold”.


Seven deities of the antique world form this structure of a dominion.   They are able to create the “Man of Modern”.


We, today, think, that we are the result of a cultural evolution, but no:   the 7th head gives us a perception of the world, like the Old Greeks, and the possibility to transform their ideas into reality. The discovery of America, the discovery of the perspective, the gravitation, we learn to fly, there is the UNO, the Red Cross, a jurisdiction in respect of the dignity of man, we have landed on the moon, we have an internet, and so on, and so on.


We think, we are the discoverer, the inventors.   We really do not know better?!

Although we could know it:   In the Bible nothing happens without the will of God.   Rain or dryness, success or mishaps, and when a storm on the Lake of Galilee becomes threatening, then Jesus stops it.


The Man of Modern is normally not under the leadership of the Holy Spirit, and so he doesn’t know anything about the background.


And also not those Jews and Christians, who have withdrawn from their believe in God.   Where they are guests, there, too, the 7th Head is active and gives people ideas an techniques.


Those guests do what they want, and they influence the circumstances of life in their nations, whose deities have to respond the will of their guests.   The Bible speaks here about the “Woman on the Beast”.


So under the 7th Head a worldwide structure has been established:   Let us think of the sciences, the international financial system, the world trade, the traffic with planes, the internet.

But the picture of the Bible tells us about the great influence of this “Woman”.   And now it becomes dangerous!


Let’s think of the ten horns in the picture of the dragon and in the picture of the “beast from the sea”.


There has been established a law, that the “Woman on the Beast”, the “Mystery Babylon”, the guests of the nations, who have withdrawn from their belief, will be annihilated.


The 10 horns are 10 manlike rulers, who prepare to destroy the “Whore Babylon”.


But before this happens, there will be a great awakening in England and also in Germany.   In the vision of Wendy Alec this awakening begins in the USA, in the Bible Belt.


So there will be a possibility, that Christians can prove their position, and are able to withdraw from Mystery Babylon.


In this vision, but also in other visions, it is shown, that God looks very closely, who will be protected from this judgment and who not.


It is statutory right, that 10 horns will annihilate the Whore Babylon.   But the rulers are not able to discern between those, who belong to the Whore and who not.


Therefore God Himself will rescue His people in this chaos.


Result:  We want to be guided by the Word of God, that He may allow us to make a view “behind the scenery” of world history.


Just as with Job a chaos comes over us, but – in the opposite to Job – we may know what is going to happen.


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