God leads a Nation.


At the time of our ancestors more nations come into existence.   In the beginning mankind has been divided into the nations.   But now nations come into existence by posterity of famous men:   As for instance the Ismaelites come from Ismael, the Israelites come from Jacob = Israel.


It is now something special, that God himself overtakes the leadership of a nation.


And what He criticizes with the angels, He does it differently:  ( Psalm 82 )


1.) Against the injustice He says:

“Love God more than anything else and your next, like you do yourself.”

“So: Meet your fellow men, as you want to be treated yourself, and if you want to be able to do so, come to Me to receive the power, look for my guidance.”

Our nature does not allow this. Envy, greed and aggression of our hearts disable us.


2.) And to leave His nation not in the “Dark”, God gave order to write down the total history of                  mankind.

And He gave them an order, to live the life before Him and by Him – He has given them a country where “Milk and Honey” flows, and He has pronounced the Messiah, the final Adam, to correct the fall of the first Adam.

                                                                      * * * * *

Now this is the new situation: There is a people where the light begins to shine, and the others still remain in the dark.


This, of course, is a shock to Lucifer.   He needs the lack of knowledge of men.   They are supposed to be oriented in power and riches, so they will be encumbered with debts before God, that they will only have a place with Satan.   This is the Lake of Fire.


This is not hell.   After the time of hell there will be the Last Judgment.   Now there is the decision, whether the dept of life has been paid for or not – “until the last coin”.   If not, then men will experience the Second Death, the life in the Lake of Fire. ( Rev 20,11 ff )


Now they belong to Lucifer’s people.


But the light of the great promise shines for those, who, by intersession of Jesus, don’t have to go to hell.

                                                                                  * * * * *

A recollection.

What do we know until now?   God is the creator of heaven and earth.   He is the source of a power stream, the stream of life.

From this stream of life He has given Adam, so Adam can fulfill his assignment, to “subdue the earth”.

God wanted to see, how His image would manage the Paradise further on.   And so He has given Adam this legal title.


Lucifer, for his part, was eager to own this title.   And we know, what then happens, men have been driven out of the Paradise and Lucifer got the title.


Anyway, men could have been guided by God.   But they didn’t.   And they fell into great debts, that God drowned them in the Flood.   All of them, except the family of Noah.

But the descendants of Noah looked for the guidance of Lucifer.   They built this Tower of Babel, and God saw, that nothing would be impossible for them.


Therefore God segmented the legal title among the princes of Lucifer.   And so mankind has been separated into the nations.

Lucifer himself kept the title “Accusation”.   This is the title “Satan”.   Satan means prosecutor, attorney.


His princes were responsible for the nations, their new language, their new cultural identity.

Each prince reigns with a great number of subdued angels.   Let’s think of the deities of India.  Vishnu (or Krishna ) is the prince, probably.  In his service are hundreds of angels or demons, as the mythology of India trades to us.


In Psalm 82 God appoints their service as unjustly.   And they would leave their nations in the “Dark”.


The relationship of men to their deity is called “Religion”.   This means translated:   the special attention of men to the message of their deity.   “Religion” = “relegere”.   If men wants to understand the message of their deity, they have to “relegere”, interpret.   Let’s think of the Oracle of Delphi.



This is very different with Israel.   They have no religion in this sense.   God tells them everything. They have Moses and the prophets.   Then Jerusalem and the temple.  And the promise of the Messiah.

They have everything.   They don’t have to interpret.


                                                                                  * * * * *

Heaven and Hell.


The Popes at the time of renaissance have confused the concepts of “Heaven” and “Hell”, so that even nowadays there is no clarity.


So:   As Jesus himself tells us, heaven begins, if we follow Him.   If we die, we enter a realm of death, of which Jesus on the cross told us, that it is like Paradise.


If we don’t follow Jesus, we come into Hell.   Hell is a place where we have to pay for our debts ourselves.   In the paradisaical realm we would be free of debt, because Jesus has payed for them.


The time of Hell is limited.   By the Last Judgment.   There it will be considered, whether our debt is paid for or not.

If it is payed, then we come into heaven, of not, then we come into the Fire Lake to Satan.   Then we belong to his people.   This is the Second Death.   ( Rev 20,14 )


Let’s think of the perdition of Sodom.   On the way to Sodom Abraham asks God for this town.   We remember.   But even the pleas of Abraham do not change God’s intention.   Sodom perishes.

But we know now: It is an act of mercy.   The Sodomites shall have the possibility to pay for their sins during the time of Hell, to be saved of the Fire Lake, the Second Death.


What is meant: To pay for the sin?


It is not simply the purgatorial fire.   It is not simply the First Death.   The time in the realm of hell means a time of suffering.   But the Last Judgment does not ask for suffering.   It asks for deeds.   But in hell there are no more deeds.   The Last Judgment asks for the evaluation of our deeds, which we did in our lifetime.


Do we still lie?   Are we still proud to have injured our opponents?   Is it still an acceptable adventure to have an adultery?

Did we check our deeds?   Is our conscience still able to discern?


As followers of Jesus we would have confessed our doings.   But now, in hell, we can see our life, and we have to make comments to our doings.   This is also like a confession.

In the Last Judgment it will be proved, whether we have cleaned our life – in respect of the law.


Then we will be accepted by Jesus in heaven.


By Jesus?   Yes.   We know, that we cannot persist before the holiness of God.   In two respects: First, because of our deeds.   Many things we do are not accepted by the commandments of God.   Second, because our spiritual damage, because our souls are contaminated with envy, greed and aggression by birth.


So, if we could have corrected our deeds in hell, then there still remains our spiritual damage. And only then we will be saved in heaven, if we ask Jesus for it.


                                                                               * * * * *

The lie and the force.


The power stream of Lucifer has been segmented among the angels, who lead the nations. But something is not yet mentioned:   This is the malice of Lucifer. This is the lie and the force.

This does not mean just simply to lie and be violent, lie means here the denial of the word of God and force means here to support this lie.


This power stream of malice receives the False Prophet.


A common example:

A student of Biology says in the seminary:   “God did create those animals.”   A general laughter is the answer.   And the professor is shocked.   Hasn’t he heard anything about evolution?   This student will not make his exam there.


And:  It is Lucifer’s effort, to keep the False Prophet in the dark.   If people would discover his character, everybody would be extremely carefully.

Martin Luther said: “If the malice is going to settle down, then don’t hesitate and throw him out.”


So:  Besides the lie there is another instance, this is the force.   For both instances people will be found always, who are subject to the False Prophet.   Both demands the False Prophet.   ( Rev 20 )  He himself stays in the dark.


In Rev 13 he demands, that all men accept a certain sign, the name or the number 666, if they want to sell or to buy something.


This name is secretly, it is encoded with the number 666.   But this is not the name of the False Prophet.


Here we hear of three animals.   In respect of their hierarchy are the

1. animal: the dragon with 7 crowned heads and 10 horns,

2. animal: the animal from the sea with 7 heads and 10 crowned horns,

3. animal: the lamb from the abyss with the 2 horns, the False Prophet.


( Their symbolic is found in chapter “Images”.)


Now:   Who is this secret name?

Irenaeus of Lyon guessed, that the name would be “Teitan”.   The sum of its Greec letters is 666.    But Irenaeus was not sure:   As you can imagine, there are many names with the sum 666.   But which is the correct name?

After a vision of Unity given by the Holy Spirit this is Lucifer himself.

                                                                                                                           ( Internet, “Unity’s Vision” )

( In the chapter “Images” it has already been stated, that the animal has the name of a man with the number 666.   In former times Teitan was a normal name.)


So: “Teitan” is this angel, as Irenaeus thought, and its translation is “Devil”.


This is the 1. animal.   It is the dragon with 7 crowned heads and the 10 horns.

His human name is “Devil”.   His spiritual name is “Lucifer”.   His title is “Satan”.   His malice has been transferred to the False Prophet.


This prophet stays rather invisible in the Bible.   His ministry by his human servants then is attributed to the malice of men.   They are responsible for their deeds.   Satan then accuses them.

Of course.

                                                                              * * * * *

The power stream of lie and force governs the “False Prophet”.


He is appointed to name the word of God as a lie.   He always finds men, who serve him.   And he comes as a lamb.


But the light of the great promise shines those, who are guided by the Spirit of God.



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