The Beast from the Sea.


The nations of the world exist since the Tower of Babel.

We know, that the nations are under the leadership of angels, angels in the succession

of Lucifer.

They are the deities of the nations.   They are responsible for the language and the cultural identity of their nation.


One nation however, Israel, stands under the leadership of God himself.

We know, that Israel often has been unfaithful to his God, and that Israel has been dispersed under the nations then.


Since that time Jews have a certain “Right to Hospitality”.   They have to respect the laws of the country, and will be provided by the deity of the country, but they don’t have to accept the cultural identity of the nation, and they don’t have to adore the deity of the country.

They should stay guests.


Similar is the status of Christians:   They become guests in their own country.


We know further, that God made a certain selection among the nations, where Israel will make use of hospitality.


                              This selection is described by the Beast with the seven Heads.


This is the Beast from the Sea, the sea of nations.   The seven heads are arranged like a dynasty, an ancestral gallery.

They govern the nations, they are those angels.   The selection of these heads begins at the time from 600 BC until now.


The 1. head is Babylon.

The 2. head is Persia.

The 3. head is Greek until 323 BC.   ( A dominion of 4 angels )

The 4. and the 5. head are Egypt and Syria.

The 6. head is Rome. West-Rome and East-Rome until 1453 AC.

The 7. head is European since the Renaissance. It began its dominion in Italy and has spread over Europe, and with the European people to America and Australia.


The heads 1 to 6 are heads of single nations.

The 7th head , however, is a head over many nations, over European nations.   He produces the

“Man of Modern”.

Renaissance means “Rebirth of the Antique”.   The “Man of Modern” is a remake of the antique, but with extended abilities.


In the antique time Greece has been quite remarkable.  The dominion of Greece until Alexander has been managed by four angels.


How can we understand this?

A metaphor: If from a picture is known the black-white portion, the red-white portion, the

blue-white portion, and the yellow-white portion, and when those portions are printed one above the other, then the result is a colored picture.

One color responds with one angel. And now we can see:


Normally a nation had only one angel as a deity.   The perception of their world, mediated by their deity, was only “monochrome”.


The perception of the world, mediated to the Greek by their angels, was colored.

Their deity consists of four angels, a fourfold. So there are four elements, which are “added” to a wholeness.


And this was the result:

Only the Greek could say: “The whole is more than the sum of its parts.”   They invented the democracy, they characterized the Ideal of Beauty, they invented the concept of the “Idea”, the Geometry has been developed, if the Romans later spoke of education, they always meant the Greek education, their language was highly developed, so that the Old Testament and later the New Testament could be translated into the Greek language.


( When Luther translated the Bible into the German language, he had to extend the German language considerably, to express the thoughts of the Bible.   Some German scientist say, that there is only a German language since Luther.)


With the end of Alexander the Greek dominion falls apart into the four “Diadochi”.   From those four empires only Egypt and Syria are relevant for Israel.   These are the heads 4 and 5.

That the knowledge of the Greece would not be forgotten, people began to establish libraries.


But the dominant deity in our days is represented by the 7th Head of the Beast.


The 7th Head of the Beast.


The 7th head is a rebirth of the antique, as one can see:


1. The angel of the Chaldeans.

2. The angel of Medo-Persia.

3.* The four angels of Greece.

4. The angel of Rome.


The 7th head, who leads Europe, gives us the ability of the Greece, and still more, the 7th head gives us the ability, to transform the Greek ideas.

This is now something new. This is typical to the Man of Modern: He is able now, to “measure the world”.

The points 1 to 4 form a cyclical fourfold. But at the 3rd place is the Greek manifold, a layered fourfold.


Therefore we name this design of the 7th head a “4 in 4 manifold”.


So we remember.   ( Look at deFrohna-Text: “Gods Time”.)


The 7th head of the Beast has been formed of 7 angels.   These are the 7 angels of Lucifer.

The Man of Modern is guided by a constellation of angels of Lucifer, but he thinks, that his inventions and establishments are the result of his own thinking.


People think, that they on their own would construct the new time.   They cannot imagine, that the Stream of the Spirit of this head guides them.

                                                                                   * * * * *

Let’s have a look at the concept of the 7th head.


For instance: a company.

a.) The annual report has been made.

b.) People have associations, they think it over.

c.) Now they have ideas.

d.) The ideas are implemented in the process of production.

Now it continues with position a.)


There is a cyclical concept.   And with point c.)  we are aware, that here the Stream of Spirit of the Greek is active.

From the Book of Daniel we can derive as follows:           ( But not very singulary.)


Point a.) has been worked out by Bel, the national Angel of the Chaldeans.

Point b.) has been worked out by the angel of the Persian.

Point c.) has been worked out by the Greece fourfold.

Point d.) has been worked out by Jupiter, the angel of Rome.


Those 7 angels are the princes of Lucifer.   Lucifer is illustrated in Revelation as a drake with 7 heads. The 7 heads are the princes of Satan, his main actors.   They want to darken the light, witch has come with Israel into the world.   They do not form a sevenfold.   Just like the beast from the sea: they are designed as a fourfold in a fourfold.


Here is another example for this specific Stream of the Spirit of the 7th head.

Else Lasker-Schüler has created a drama “Arthur Aronimus and His Fathers”. A person has been portrayed in such a manor:

a.) He makes a statement about what just happened.

b.) He or others have associations, make remarks on it.

c.) Those summarize to an idea.

d.) This idea guides the action.

Now it continues with point a.)


Whether it is a company or the action in a drama there are always certain steps of creation:


In the 1st phase there is the description of the happenings.   The description might be more or less simple.   Only when the deity gives an impulse, the essentials of the happenings are gotten, the continuity of the actions are possible.

The 1st phase is the descriptive phase, which already contains an interpretation of the happening.


In the 2nd phase this interpretation will be discussed.   There are imaginations, there are associations, which are evaluated or rejected.   The result is due to the influence of the 2nd deity.


During the 3rd phase ideas are developed. Like in a colored picture 4 deities work together, and establish a wholeness of imaginations, an intuition.

If we people have ideas, then it is quite prudent to suggest, that those ideas have been given to us.


With those new ideas we navigate the occurrence.

This is now the 4th phase, guided by the angel of Rome.


Now it continues with phase 1.


If this, what we want to do, is functioning, then it is not due to a single deity, as we can see.

Seven deities, angels of Lucifer, are engaged in those four phases, but the result is not to attribute to a single deity.


Let’s say: It is the result of a 4in4 manifold of angels.   Let us be aware:  We Men have a greater understanding in the coherence of things, than any angel of Lucifer.

But He, who creates those manifolds, is not unknown to us.    ( Jesus )


We speak here about the concept of the 7th head of the beast of the Revelation.   This animal guides the nations in respect of the imaginations of Lucifer.   But there is essentially nothing wrong.


If we study physics or chemistry, which have been developed by this concept, than we should not be astonished, that nowhere is spoken of God.   In physics God does not exist, and neither in chemistry.


If we read the Bible, then nothing happens without God.

The sciences, how interesting they might be, they leave us in the dark in respect of the true occurrences.


Is this a fact, that causality determines our life?   For sure, not.   Jesus saves His followers in the storm on the Lake of Galilee!   “Why are you so anxious”, he asks and stops the Storm.

And so He is doing in the life of each of us!


And something everyday: When in noontime the cup from the breakfast stands no more in the dining room but in the kitchen, then this is not simple physics. No physician can explain, how the cup gets there. But we can do this.


The danger coming from this 7th head is, that people think, they are the creators, they would develop ideas and would find techniques to care for the planet earth, they would not need any God, there isn’t any.

Life is only evolution, and this we have to construct ourselves from now on.


Immanuel Kant thought, that intuition (~ idea ) is inherent to men.   The intuition is a step in perception, that a singular event is determined by a common law, which has to be expressed by mathematics.

But until our time it has not been given to men, that the leave of an apple tree falls onto the ground by the same law as the apple does.

Moreover the techniques of measuring and calculating were not known.


And now we should be aware, that men are the receptors of a stream of spirit, which gives us the knowledge of the causally determined events.


The followers of Christ are not the recipients of this stream of the spirit.   They can learn physics but they cannot receive physics, because they are not guided by the 7th head.

They are only guided by the Spirit of God.

But if they are also led by the 7th head, then the Spirit of God will leave them.


The ability of intuition is not given by birth, as Kant thought.   It is us not given by birth, to discern singular events as part of a wholeness, which underlies a physical law, … the intuition is given to us by the spirit of the 7th head.


But now something curious happens:   Men, guided by envy, greed, and aggression, think now, because there is no God, they are themselves the doers, they can organize their life after their own convenience, even if their imaginations offend the scientific knowledge.   The caprice overcomes the facts.


And so Goethe says: ”Real life looses its glance often in such a manner, that you have to enhance it with the varnish of fiction.”

                                                                                * * * * *

Life under the 7th head.


If we in the Revelation view the beast with its 7 heads, then a certain selection has been made here among the nations of the world, and limited for a certain time.


The period begins with the Babylonian captivity of Israel and ends with the begin of the

70th Year Week. 



 Those are chosen from the nations, who have an influence on the fate of Israel.


The heads of the beast you can consider as an ancestral gallery of a dynasty.   Since the Renaissance dominates the 7th head.


The heads 1 to 6 – angels of Lucifer – rule until now as deities of single nations.   The 7th head now rules the nations of Europe.

The 7th head is a 4in4 Manifold. He designs the modern times. ( See: “God’s Time” )

The 7th head rules the nations of Europe, who further on are guided by their deities – how all nations – of course.


What causes the 7th head?


He enables the nations to the “measuring of the world”.   With him begins the time of Modern.


In art the perspective will be discovered. An “aerial picture” impresses the courts of Europe.

America will be discovered. Sciences and techniques begin to unfold.

The differential calculus will be discovered.   The construction of bridges will now be calculated.   They learn to fly.   Television.

The legal system is oriented towards the dignity of men.   The Red Cross has been founded,

the nations of the world consolidate in the UNO.


Up there has been mentioned, that the 7 heads of the beast name those nations, who have an influence on the fate of Israel.


Now, Christians belong to Israel too, in respect of their belief, so that the 7th head has his dominion there, where Jews and Christians are spread among the nations and have the right of hospitality.


This was first in Europe, then America, then Australia, the 7th head has an influence on the whole earth.

Jews and Christians have a specific right of hospitality in the nations, whose laws they respect, but whose gods they don’t do adore, of course.


But also those Jews and Christians still have the right of hospitality, who have left their own God.

Now they become annoying to their hosts.   They don’t honor the laws any more, but still have to be kept a guests.

They are guided by their imagination: “Man emerges from his self-imposed immaturity”.


The enlightenment begins.   In France it is the movement of freedom: ”Libertè, Ègalitè, Fraternitè”.

In Germany comes then the development of the “Socialism” and the movement of the “Romantic”.


This is now our theme.   We are now with Richard Wagner and his “Lohengrin”. 

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