The Woman on the Beast

At the end of the pagan nations there is a plan - so God did provide - to defeat the woman, the great "Whore Babylon". 

For this a confederation of 10 nations will be founded, who - in consensus with the 7th head - will exterminate the Woman. 


This plan has been drawn up for quite a time, because in the picture of the beast (with the seven heads) and also in the picture of the dragon are 10 horns elements of them.


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Let's take a view backwards: After the Tower of Babel the stream of life is taken away from Lucifer and assigned to his followers to bring their people the cultural identity. ( We have already mentioned that there is no treaty between God an Lucifer. Lucifer has gained the stream of power from Adam - by a trick.) 


And now let's view back to the fate of Israel: God has a plan to scatter the unfaithful Israel among the nations. The angels of those nations are assigned to provide Israel with their power, although Israel does not have to assimilate their cultural identity. 

God expects them to stay his people. The Book of Ester tells us about this Topic. 


God's decree has further consequences:  This has to do with the believers from the nations. 


Christians also belong to the people of God. They do not belong to one of the 12 tribes, but they have the nationality of Israel.


Psalm 87:  We are all enlisted in the documents of our nation. But sometimes there is an additional note, which says: "This man has the right of residence in Zion". 

These all dance in joy and sing: "Zion, in You we are at home."   ( Translation: Gute Nachricht ) 


Christians are also supplied by the stream of power of their angel, but they do not have to accept the cultural identity of their Nation. 

( A German stays a German, but he does not have to adore the heroes of his times, and he may develop his own lifestyle, because he has the citizenship of Zion.) 


Now, how is the relationship of Christians to their own country?


Jesus has been questioned, whether Jews have to pay taxes to Rome. He answered: "Give Cesar, what belongs to him, and give God, what belongs to God." 


So this means for us: We have to respect the laws of our country. But if we are forced, to follow the instructions of our angel, then we do not have to obey. Because there is the decree of God, that we are guests here. 

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Before we speak about the "Woman on the Beast" there is another point to remember. 


We have already presented God's stream of power as the metaphor of a trolley system: Men build rails, switches, stops, and connect so in terms of traffic various districts of a town. But the train moves only, if there is electricity. 


Our life is maintained by a stream of power.


Job 34: 

14  If he set his heart upon man, if he gather unto himself his spirit and his breath; 

15  All flesh shall perish together, and man shall turn again unto dust. 


Now there is the stream of power flowing through the angels of Lucifer to their nations.


And when Jesus has come, that the blind may see, the deaf may hear, and the demons are cast out, then this is a sign, that the stream of power leaves Jesus. 


Sometimes the stream of power flows "by itself": Jesus said: "Who touched me? A force has left me!" 

His pupils: "But Rabbi, in this crowd! What are you talking of?" 

Then we read, that a woman has touched his gown in belief, and has been healed!


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Now let us consider the meaning of the "Woman on the Beast". 


What now, when the Jews and the Christians leave the followership of God ?  They still will be provided by the stream of power of their angel, but they begin to plan their life after own ideas.


And a deity of a nation is not allowed, to threaten consequences or to withdraw the stream of life, because a deity is not allowed to judge, whether a guest is faithful or not. 


Now when those unfaithful guests increase to a great number, they become a burden to their host. 

The faithful guest respect the laws of a nation, but the unfaithful do what they want, and the deities have to support them.


It is a similar relation like between horse and rider.   Yes:  The "Woman on the Beast". 


But in this picture the horse is not willing, and a huge wrath grows, so that finally the beast takes on the color of deep scarlet red. ( Rev 17 ) 


God did expect such a consequence and ordered the beast with the 10 horns to annihilate the woman, the "Whore Babylon". 

At the end of history of the pagan nations these 10 horns will gain power "for one hour" to destroy this woman. 


However, these "horns" are not able to discriminate the faithful from the unfaithful. Therefore God himself has to protect his people.  

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But why is the end of the woman also the end of the beast with his 7th head ? (and those ten horns?) 


The answer: After the victory over the woman the confederation of the 10 horns - in consent with the 7th head - attack Israel. ( Ezekiel 38f ) 


Now comes the rock and destroys the statue. (Dan 2,34) The rock becomes a huge mountain and covers the whole globe.


The 10 nations are destroyed and the 7th head of the beast receives a deadly wound. He will be banned into the abyss.


On earth now is only the Spirit of God now. He supplies all people with stream of life. Now there is peace on earth. This is the begin of the 70th week.


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What we read here is not simply a picture. The confederation of the 10 states is really existing and their names are known. 

The annihilation of the "Whore Babylon" equals a 3rd world war, where finally the aggressors also will find their end. 


Also in the spiritual world are great changes: The angels of Lucifer are banned into the abyss - for a little time - and only the Spirit of God reigns on earth. 


Because of the absence of the satanic angels the Community of Christ can be completed. 


                    a. to the bride - and Jesus is the bridegroom, 

                    b. to the body - and Jesus is the head, 

                    c. to the temple - and Jesus is the high priest,  

                    d. to the people - and Jesus is the king. 


This is the description of the completed Community of Christ - prepared for the rapture. 

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