The State of Affairs.


Let’s ask for the criterion, which constitutes the “State of Affairs”.

Our well being?

That is, we ask for. We want to know, how we are doing, the German soul, are we alright?


How would she look like, if we would present her as an allegory?


After an official measuring of our state, the Danish people are the most content.

Germany on rank 16 is still quite well.


But as the Bible tells us, there is only one criterion of well being:   Are we in the discipleship of Jesus or not! Measured on this criterion we are not so well.

There are still 25%, who belong to a church.   The tendency points down.   But of those is only a small group, which follows Jesus, only very few attend a service in church.


But the Christian discipleship is the vision of God for his children, for his family.


We, in the year 2017, follow totally different visions – let’s look at the television program.

And, in fact, it is so, that the motto of the Romantic is still with us: “Without Judah and without Rom we will build the German Dom.”


This motto is still guiding us in planning our future.


- ”Without Judah”: In the time of Romantic people thought, that the God of Israel is a God of revenge. A World Judaism would seize the power and humiliate us - for the sufferings during the last centuries.

In the National Socialism the world should be saved from this danger.   As we have seen, this mental approach is a lie, mediated by the wrong Prophet, whom we know from Rev. 13.

We, in Germany, did believe this lie and acted accordingly.   We needed the hardship of the

2nd world war, to correct our relationship to Israel.


- “Without Rom”: What does that mean?   We do not want to orient ourselves on the Word of God. When Hitler had been successful, so that would have been the end of the Christians in Germany.   We then would be a country like North Korea.


It began with the enlightenment.   “Man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity”.   And to this new freedom Jane Austen said: ”They want to believe their beautiful words.”   ( And not any longer the word of God.)


But this here is not simple a fiction, an invention.   This here is an invasion of a spiritually power into the life of the German soul.

And this power directs our soul into the wrong direction, into the vision “heroism”.


“Wrong” means: Away from the vision, which God has for His people.


In Italy we could observe, that there a different way has been taken.   Still 1828 “Italia” and “Germania” have been friends.

But while we deliver us strange forces by Richard Wagner, in Italy they celebrate “Nabucco” and “La Traviata”, operas from Verdi.

And here Italy confesses itself to God.

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In Germany there is still another attack of a spiritual power.   This is the “Socialism”, which later has been called by Lenin the ”Communism”.

This movement, founded by Marx and Engels, aims at a new society.   Only then there will be justice, when all people of a society are participating in the national economy.


This movement has taken Russia.   And with the motto: “Religion is opium for the people”, the Orthodox-Church of Russia has been widely obliterated.


The National Socialism himself, as the representative of the “German Hero” began with the termination of the Jews.


Both movements have been opened up by the wrong Prophet.   Both movements have been welcomed by us Germans.

Both are characterized by the lie and the force.


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It began with the Enlightenment: “Man’s emergence from his self-imposed immaturity”.


France has intensified this power with the motto: “Liberté, Égalité, Fraterné.”

And this power was a power of freedom.


This power swapped over the kingdom of France.   The national French angel has been robbed of his earthly representation.   ( The king has been killed.)


What kind of power was this?   There were the Christians and Jews, having left their God.   And they have a claim because of the Right of Hospitality, to be supported by the force of the national angel.


They have then enthroned Napoleon, who all Europe – except England – has renewed.


What was the aim of Napoleon in Moscow?   Tolstoy, the author of “Peace and War” saw Napoleon as a penalty of God, a call for a turnaround to His truth.

And so it has been.


“Freedom” was the motto of Napoleon, because the people in Russia were widely enslaved.   Also in Germany.


With “Waterloo” the threatening of Napoleon came to an end.   But in the nations of Europe the “Bacillus of Freedom” has been constituted:   “We want to co-determine”.


Austria did not understand this.   Rudolph of Habsburg committed suicide.   Germany did not understand.   Russia did not understand.   There were many assassinations.   In 1918 it was the end of these dynasties.   It was the end of the authority of the national angels in Europe.



In France the guests (Jews and Christians, who left their God) were now in authority and propagated “Freedom”, in Germany the national angel gave his authority to the false Prophet, who propagated the “German Heroism”, in Russia the false Prophet propagated the “Communism”.


This is the state of affair in the year 1924.


( If we look behind the scene, then we are aware that the guests began to rule the country of France.

The angel of France was shocked.

The other national angels wanted to avoid this, and they engaged the false Prophet to give their people a vision.

Only the British had a parliament to co-determinate.   But finally this also was not the solution.

Two World Wars came over us.   We did not engage God to bring us our future. )


After the 2nd World War Konrad Adenauer said in respect of the various streams of the spirit:

“We choose the Freedom”.


And so we Germans are attached to the American powers.   ( West Germany )

Where do they come from?


1886 the French have given to America the Statue of Freedom as a present.   This statue in the harbor of New York is a picture of the freedom after the motto “Liberé, Fraternité, Égalité”.

This is the “Freedom” designed after the imaginations of those Jews and Christians, who have left their believe in God, but claim authority because of the Right of Hospitality.


So:   Also in America are those forces active, who finally claim, that the 7th Head guaranties the adherence of the Right of Hospitality.


And then we read in the Bible:  Exactly this is the “Woman on the Beast”, the “Mystery Babylon”.

Dumitru Duduman confirms this interpretation.


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Now we are concerned here about the “State of Affairs” in the year 2017,  500 years after Luther.

National deities are leading the nations.   The 7th Head is the chief of the European nations and other hosting nations, and has the responsibility in giving ideas and transforming those ideas into practice.


Since 5oo years people in Germany and other nations are striving for religious faith.

And in deed:   The Popes have laid down the Tiara, this is the threefold crown.

They wanted to be

1.) Father of the ruler and the kings,

2.) Head of the world and

3.) representative of Christ.

But now again they have adopted the role of Peter.   Now they have adopted their original place in the world.

But there is one error the Popes don’t dare to correct:   This is the “Mariolatry”. Of course, Mary is the mother of the church.   But:

She is not mediating between men and God,

she has no power over the ruler on earth and the Evil,

she has no authority of a rich harvest.

And so:   The development of the Protestant Church is split:   especially the Protestant Church of Germany ( the EKD ) because of the historical-critical method has turned into the direction of Enlightenment and Early Romantic – until the present time.


The EKD is lead by the 7th Head, but thinks, she is lead by the human reason.   Regardless of what she assumes, she doesn’t see the danger, that the Holy Spirit has left her.

Jesus said at His Ascension: I don’t leave you alone. I send your the Holy Spirit, He will guide you on your way.”   Without the guidance of the Holy Spirit we do not exist.


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And also this belongs to the “State of Affairs”:   The Spirit of God wants to overtake the leadership of Germany.

We do know this, because God told us.   He told us by His prophets.   We read about this later.


But our situation is still critical.   Our national deity doesn’t tell anything, the 7th Head shows us a world, how it works without God, and by the American “Freedom” we follow fictive visions, which in the mainstream are represented not without pressure.   And to the Spirit of God we do not listen.


So far our situation.   But there are different kinds of constellations of spiritual powers as we have in Europe.

We can see this in the Arabic nations, also in the Persian oriented peoples.


The recognition of those streams of power is not without importance, because the western world was engaged in those countries.   Let’s think of the Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Egypt.

In addition the number of Muslims is growing in Europe.


So, there is a new theme: The constellation of powers in the Muslim countries.


Here is no 7th Head. He began in the European countries.   But in these countries Jews and Christians have no Right of Hospitality, there they are 2nd class people. ( The “Right of Hospitality” is the basic condition for the activity of the 7th Head.)


Let’s have a look 1500 years backwards.

There is a national deity, who mediates the language and the cultural identity, and has the authority over the intern forces and the external forces, that is the authority over the police and the army and the management of the state.

Originally Lucifer followed his strategy by leaving the people in ignorance of their situation before God.   They should follow their inclination – guided by envy, greed, and aggression, - and so would

become guilty before the law of God.   Lucifer then would accuse them and possibly add them to his world.

With the extension of the Judaism and the Christianity this strategy became more and more ineffective.   People were no more in ignorance of their situation.   By the Bible they could very exact know the state of affairs.   They hoped for the Messiah, or followed Jesus already.


Since 632 AD there exists the Koran.   Here is confirmed that the Bible is the word of God, but Sure after Sure it is said, that the contents of our present Bible do not represent the truth.

So we have to assume, that the Jews have faked the Bible.


In the last chapter we have already seen, that in the Romantic there has been conceived an

anti-vision to the Bible.   ( “Without Judah and without Rom we will build the German Dom.”)

And so the main actor of this movement, Hitler, finds great acceptance among the Arabic nations, and so we need a certain space for the presentation of the streams of the Spirit in those nations with the question: “What then is common?”


The source of the argumentation is the Koran.


It says, that the scriptures of the Bible are faked.   The Jews have changed the original to their favor and to the disadvantage of the Arabic nations.

And in respect of the Christians the Koran says, that Jesus was never the Son of God.   ( Allah has no son.)   There is not such a construction as “Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”   ( Sure 19, 88-93 )


Are there treaties of time with non-Muslim, then those treaties have to be fulfilled.   But then it is continued in Sure 9,5:

“ If now the months of protection have passed, then kill those servants of idols, wherever you find them, seize them, besiege them, and lie in every ambush! But if they repent, and do the prayer, and pay the charge, then let them go their ways!

Certainly: Allah is forgiving and merciful.”


So: if your neighbor is no Muslim, then you are in a situation of war – until your neighbor has become a Muslim or he is dead – or he has paid his charge.


So says the Koran.   Easy to find in the Internet.   Anybody can know this.


If Muslims come to Europe, then it should be clear, what they import with their luggage.   Behind the Koran stands a deity with a considerable readiness of violence.


In a Muslim nation there is not only the national deity with the inner and outer authority, but there is also an authority behind the message of the Koran.


In a Muslim nation there are two centers of power.   The second center stands behind the Islam.

The balance between those two centers of power is crucial for its existence, for the well-being of a Muslim people.


So:  The Mullahs, the representative of the believers, are guided by the deity of the Islam, the reign of the nation is guided by the national angel.


And those centers of power are not in tension, just the opposite.   But the practice of power needs the proper balance.


In comparison with Europe every single Arabic nations is guided by Allah in addition, Europe however is guided as a whole by the 7th Head.


Both strategies work against the Word of God, the Bible.   Which strategy is more successful, we don’t want to discuss here.

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Now, the Western World did interfere into the relationship of the Muslim countries and so have disturbed the balance of power.


An example in our next neighborhood is Libya.


Gaddafi has been declared as the source of all evil.   With support of European aerial attacks his regime has been finished.   And now is peace, now everything is OK?


The Western World is founded on democracy.   If a nation may decide, then everything will be OK, then there will be peace?

If there is an election in Muslim countries, then political tendencies are of no interest.   Because they are fix.   In Islam the tendencies are clear.

The other center of power is only interested in the state facilities.   So, only personalities will be selected, if at all.


An example with German involvement is Afghanistan.   By the earlier Soviet occupation the “Warlords” have been eliminated.   They were the counterweight to the Islam, the Taliban.   The USA have supported the Taliban, to expel the Soviets from the country.


Consequently, whole Afghanistan came under the leadership of the Taliban, to the horror of its citizens.

The Western helped, and expelled the Taliban. And now … ?


And now they want to establish a government on basis of a democracy.   Then Kabul should be strong enough, to be a counterweight to the Mullahs.   The government then should have a power potential to the Mullahs, that Kabul can exist without the Western military.


So they hope.

But the national deity of Afghanistan is not going to accept this construction.   She wants people in the government, who search the acceptance with the Mullahs.   The government should have a power potential, a genuine counterweight to the power of the Islam.   ( But with the Islam.)

And then there might be piece, if people of different religions have at least a right of existence.


A western democracy will not be accepted in 100 years, and the German military still has to stabilize its region in Afghanistan.

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Now, what happens, when a Muslim country wants to orient itself to a western lifestyle.   Then it looses the support of its national deity.


Remember the Shah of Persia.   Western oriented, his reign came soon to an end.


Remember the attempts of Kemal Atatürk, to adjust the Turkey to European standards.   Only a few decades later there began a significant persecution of Christians.   The power of the state weakened and the power of the Islam became dominant.


Nowadays Erdogan does just the correct thing:   He intensifies the relationship to the Islam.   We from the West don’t understand this.   Don’t we have to?


To punish a news reporter for life time, has nothing to do with jurisdiction.

But a news reporter should know, that European thinking is not accepted by the national angel of Turkey.


Let’s think of Syria.   How could peace come to Syria?   Fortunately the Russians have backed up the Assad regime.   With Western ideas the regime would have fallen already and then the rearrangement of peace would have been very difficult.

Nevertheless, Assad and also his father did not establish a proper balance to the Islam.   They have been too radical, - probably because of weakness.


If a proper leader will be chosen from the present government, who looks for the guidance of the national angel, and who is able to meet the Mullahs properly, then peace is possible.

The negotiating partner of the government is for all not a negotiator of the troops, but the head of the Muslim.


And the government will insist, that there is a right of existence for non-Muslims – if they are good.

( With Saddam Hussein in the Iraq there have been Christians in the government as ministers, before the USA brought down the government. )


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Now there is another theme: Muslims in Europe.


When the representatives of the Islam are able, to convince the German politicians, that the Koran is in accord with the constitution of Germany, then there is a great astonishment:   What then is written in our constitution?


If terrorists in Europe make a great damage, then they are persecuted as a single perpetrator.

And then, if they might come to death, they are in the eyes of their fellow believers “Heroes of the Islam”.


A terrible event in Israel:

A school class with little girls made a trip to the border of Jordan.   There a Palestinian soldier was on duty, and he shot many of them.

The King of Jordan visited the parents of the killed children and begged on his knees for pardon.

The Palestinian has been sentenced for 25 years prison.   After 20 years he was set free, because of good conduct.

He has been honored by his country man as a “hero of believe”.   They honored ultimately a service with human sacrifice.


The family of a self assassin gets a pension from the government of Palestine.


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Once again the difference of a Muslim country and a European country:


The European countries orient themselves at the 7th Head, that means getting ideas and transforming them into practice.

This, we can see, is the foundation of the “Man of Modern”.


The Muslim countries are oriented at the Koran.   The Koran has been written in 632 AD.   This is a medieval orientation with the claim of eternal validity.


Now, a European deity is not going to be subject of the pressure of the Islam, ( Islam = submission )

as it is the case in the Arabic nations.   The national European deity is subject to the 7th Head.

Muslims in Germany will never become Germans.   Also not after generations.   But this has nothing to do with the nationality.   Of course, the children of a Turk i.e. may become Germans, if they want to, but not as Muslims.


Actually.   But now begins a strange development in Europe:  320 years ago, when the Turks attacked Vienna, we knew, that the Islam is not European.   But nowadays they say, “the Islam belongs to Germany”.

However, which spirit has come to us, that we can say such a thing like that.

What has happened?


We remember:  It is a matter of misuse of the Right of Hospitality.   Those Jews and Christians, who left the ways of God, they do not obey the laws of their nation.   They make their own laws and the host has to respect them.

The hosts do things now, which they would not do on their own.   This is so in Europe, and also in the USA.


The Bible speaks here of the “Whore Babel”, the “Mystery Babel”. Who is that?


As it is said:  Mystery Babel gets its spiritual power from the national deity, from the national angel. Mystery Babel has no own power.   She gets her power from her host, and so she weakens her host.

As her allegory, as her picture we see her as a woman sitting on the Beast with its 7 heads, like a rider on a horse.

She guides the fates of the nations.   She thinks, that her time is unlimited. She represents the

“Great Freedom”, the “Great Freedom” includes the freedom of all world-religions.   And freedom means here:   There is no God, there are no deities, you can believe, what you want.


But already with the installation of the Right of Hospitality there has been installed “The Right of the Ten States” to eliminate this woman. ( These are the ten horns on the 7 heads of the Beast and the ten horns on the Dragon.)


Mystery Babel is described in Revelation, chapter 17 and 18. And there we can find a special criteria in Rev 18,24:

“And in her the blood of the prophets and holy has been found and of those, who have been slaughtered on earth.”

But basically we cannot say, that Christians are persecuted here, as it is written in the Revelation.  We have nothing to do with this.


But in the internet we can get to know, i.e. with “Open Doors”, that there is a worldwide persecution. Also other sources tell us, that 100 000 Christian are killed every year.   By Muslims.


And if we say in Germany, that the Islam belongs to Germany, then we import also those consequences.   Europe and the USA are so entangled in the greatest persecution of Christians ever, because they have spread the term “religious freedom”, given at the peace of Münster, over all religions of the world.


How, then, are our politicians able to say, that the Islam belongs to Germany?

How is the EKD able, to welcome the Islam by giving a present for a new-built mosque?


We don’t speak here simply about the “Man of Modern”, but it is a Man, who drafted into the “Splendor of Mystery Babel”, into a fiction.


But the true believer in Islam will never be accepted in a real Germany.   And so there will be always terrorists, who then as heroes of believe will be glorified.


Now follows the declaration of war as a secret code:

“What he, who follows on the 2nd place?   Those two, only those two?   The three, and not a forth?

(…) The seven, and not eight? (...)

A grave, that is marching to the neighbor?

The tree with 365 branches.   Each branch has five papers, of which two in the shadow, and three in the sun?


The interpretation of the three “questions”:

The main statement is the question:   The grave, that has been marching to the neighbor?   It means, that the grave of Christianity has come to Europe.

And how?   First comes one, then the second and the third and so on.


“We can do this”, says Angela Merkel.   She has recommended Wulff, the President of Germany, who said, “the Islam belongs to Germany”.   And so the Islam marches to Germany with our assistance.


And the statement about the tree with its 365 branches:   So, daily, there are with the scripture

– the paper – five events: the five prayers of a Muslim to Allah :   ( Two in the shadow and three in the sun.)

The first prayer before sunrise, the further during the day, and the last after sunset.


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In a Mosque in Hildesheim hate has been preached.   The preacher has been brought to court.   But nothing has been said about the Mosque.   There is silence.   What do the people of Hildesheim think on their own?


Now, once again:   What is our perspective seen in Muslim view?


“ If now the months of protection have passed, then kill those servants of idols, wherever you find them, seize them, besiege them, and lie in every ambush! But if they repent, and do the prayer, and pay the charge, then let them go their ways!

Certainly: Allah is forgiving and merciful.” ( Sure 9,5 )


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But our real expectations have still a different dimension:   Mystery Babylon will be accused and sentenced and the 3rd World War comes over us.


This is the state of affair.


But in addition there is a plan to save Germany.   God wants to save Germany.   He begins in the USA, then in Great Britain, a great awakening.   More significant than with Wilberforce, who was engaged in the abolition of the slavery.


The awakening comes from England to the Continent and finally to Germany.   We hardly dare to believe, what then happens.   This is a prophecy by John Mulinde.


And then something happens, we didn’t think that this is possible: Our national angel changes the sides, like with Joseph in Egypt:   An angel of Lucifer becomes an angel of God.


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